The Company manufactures about 40 Sizes and 6 Grades of Carbon rods. These can be classified into Five Major Categories such as:- UM - 1 (R - 20/D Size)
- UM - 2 (R - 14/C Size)
- UM - 3 (R - 6/AA Size)
- UM - 4 (R - 03/AAA Size)
- Special Size Carbon Rods
Quality, Awards and Achievements
The supply of Quality product plays an important part for every business organization on account of stiff competition throughout the world. Realizing this, the Company, since its inception, is committed to provide Quality Carbon Rods (Midget Electrodes) through its advanced Technology to various Dry Cell Battery Manufacturers in and outside India.
The company achieved success by setting up a Quality Management System. A system which ensures commitment of all employees towards compliance of stringent Quality Standards and also to meet the requirement of customers and achieve higher levels of "Customers Satisfaction". A committed effort is to give more than what the customer needs from the Company's products guided by the top management of the Company.